When you purchase an international calling card, one of the common issues you may have experienced is that you tend to forget the PIN to make calls. To avoid this hassle and to offer its customers a stress free service, iTell Telecom provides its customers the freedom to make calls without a PIN. Also known as the PINless Dialing feature, this facility omits the need to punch in the PIN. In the present times, where communication is the backbone of any industry, iTell Telecom has introduced various international calling solutions for its customers at affordable prices and with reliable features, which has made the experience of reaching our loved ones convenient and cheap.Based on the concept of internet Telephony, iTell Telecom offers long distance calls to its customers at comparatively low prices than direct calling..In general, calling cards/prepaid phone cards are identified by the 10-14 digit PIN numbers, which are hard to memorize. Whenever a user intends to make a call, they are required to punch in their PIN before their call can be connected. With the latest evolution in the industry, iTell Telecom offers the facility to connect your calls without this long and hard to remember number. To avail this service, kindly follow the below mentioned procedure:To make use of iTell Telecom Pinless dialing, you need to fill an easy registration form and register the number you intend to call from to make your calls.Whenever you wish to make a call, simply call up from the registered number and provide the local unique number given to you. You will instantly be connected to your friends and family!. Our Prepaid Pinless phone card service is backed by one of the pioneers in the telecom industry in the world. We are the best and we only partner with the best.